Friday, May 30, 2008


I picked Megan up early from school yesterday for no reason at all. Then I took her out to Dairy Queen for a blizzard. It was fun just surprising her with a fun afternoon!


I think that's pretty harsh! But that's what our daughter Katie said about her dad and I last night while playing Mario Kart on our wii. Gordon bought me Mario kart for the wii for my birthday a few weeks ago and now my daughter says we're addicted. We have all enjoyed playing it. We can have up to 4 players at a time. You can play it over the Internet with people you know or with people from all over the world!! I can't make out the Chinese players names! It's a blast you hold these little steering wheels and pretend you're driving. You may crash into your opponents, throw obstacles in their way, and even ride on a bullet if you're behind. It is not violent, but friendly competition. We even held a mini tournament with our son and his friend last weekend.
I'm glad I have the summer to practice! After all I have to beat Gordon! Now does that sound addicted to you?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fish tank fun

The kittens are entirely sure that I bought them a new toy! I took the fish tank from preschool home for the summer and the cats have not left it alone!! They are sure I brought them a snack, and they just have to figure out how to get it!! I am not kidding when I say they sit there for hours watching and circling the fish tank, trying to figure out how to get at the fish. They have found a small opening in the back where the filter goes in and they can get a drink, but can't quite get at the fish. At least not yet!

The end is here!!

Well I made it!! It is hard to believe that the school year is over already for me. These last few weeks went by quickly, but they were very busy! It is so nice to relax this weekend! I plan on taking a few days to enjoy myself, then I will get busy painting trim.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The end is near!!

So once again I haven't blogged for a week or two. So much has been going on! Mostly preschool stuff. We went on an awesome field trip to a farm this last week with the pre-k class (afternoon). Now some of you may think a farm?? But the family who's farm it is one of our preschoolers, gave us the best tour ever!! We went for a hay ride around the farm to see all the baby animals. And I learned that mama cows are VERY protective of their young. We saw a week old horse (colt?) and one that was 3 weeks old. It was interesting to com pair the two! It's a big difference. The kids ran around trying to catch chickens! Now that is funny. Better yet they actually caught some! Then all the kids got to ride a horse with the dad leading the horse of course. Next we went to the barn for some grub also known as snack. While there we were serenaded by guitar to some worship music. As one preschooler put it so well "This is the best day of my life!" It was great fun.
Also this week the preschoolers got to help make a music video for this weeks church service. Well OK its to help kick off kids ministry summer teaching session. I can't wait to see how it turns out!!
The fact that preschool is drawing to a close for this school year is bitter sweet. I will enjoy the much needed break the summer will bring. However most of our kids are going to kindergarten in the fall and I will miss them dearly!! I always hate to see them go, I grow so attached to them. God is good though and next year He always seems to send us a new group of fun children to love and teach!

Proverbs 22:6 (New International Version
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Counting the days of summer vacation