Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Mo Mo Marley

We have a new addition to our family, (or should I say my son does!) Mo Mo (not my choice) is her name she is Marley's sister. We adopted Marley in June of this summer, and felt good about rescuing a kitten from a litter of 6 that had been born to a cat that was an outside cat, that was not very well cared for. We knew that her kittens would probably have the same fate. Well fast forward to November and the mom and all but one kitten from that litter had died. (Like I said not very well cared for) Tayler (my son) was at the house were these kittens were living and has always had a soft spot for this one named Mo. He called and said she was freezing and purred whenever you picked her up. He felt very sorry for her, because he knew she would probably not make it through the winter, and could he bring her home and take care of it? Of course I knew she'd end up being the family's responsibility, and not just his (seeing as he's 20 and never home!) little did he mention that she was sick! Well two vet visits later she is trying to get better, but I'm not so sure she's glad she got rescued. She runs every time she sees me. I'm the one who has been cleaning her up, and giving her, her medicine. She is very lovable and I think that she will make a very nice pet. For now I feel sorry for her because she doesn't feel very good. We found out yesterday she has round worm (probably from fending for herself for a lot of her food) and giardia (from the lack of fresh water) having just one of these things will make your stomach very upset, having them both together!! Oh man, can I just say she's had to live in a bathroom, that can be bleached easily! I long for the day she can come out and meet the rest of the family!!

When they told me it was faux fur.....

....I had no idea this is what they had in mind!! To heck with P.E.T.A. I'm going with the REAL fur next time!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Well again its been a few days since my last post. This time I've been trying to get the family squared away! Teenagers they're sometimes more work than little ones. We have 2 girls coming to stay with us for a few days. We are all excited to have them. Their mom has to go out of town for the week, and needed a place for the girls. Since we live in the same school district, and my girls are good friends with her girls (not to mention she has great kids) we said we'd love to watch them. So today is the day!! I've been looking up recipes of yummy things to make while they're here, and grocery shopping!! My two favorite past times, REALLY! I know I need more of a life! I love to cook, if I have the time and the ingredients. So of course with the holidays around the corner, we are coming into my favorite season! Baking No really I love the look and smell of fall and winter. I like being cold (thanks to menapause) and I like being busy in the kitchen. Well I'm off to look for a monkey bread recipe! I've never made it but it sounds like something my family would like.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I know it's late but heres some first day of school pictures of my girls! At least their from this year! Megan (12) is on the top and Katie (16) is on the bottom


I said I would try and give a web link to kaboose so here goes

Busy, Busy, Busy

This is what I've been doing!! I had to finish writing my lesson plans and calendar for the month of November. I found this really cute turkey idea to make with the 4&5's class. I also found a great website called kaboose I will try and add a link! Wish me luck I'm still pretty new at this whole thing. Kaboose has a lot of great craft ideas and more!! I get so busy looking at things on the web for preschool and have so much fun doing it that I quickly loose track of time. I have been on the hunt for a cute nativity idea for the kids to make for a Christmas present for their parents. It needs to be simple and cute and last but not least inexpensive!! Yea! I know Good Luck!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ack!!!!! This blog has been hijacked!

I got tired of waiting for you to post, so I'm going to post something for you...

I think I'll post my Christmas wish list:
  • a nap
  • a Honda Odyssey
  • a chocolate orange
  • another nap

Aren't I easy to please? Okay, back to your regularly scheduled blog reading...



Friday, November 2, 2007

This is my first post

I hope this gets easier and faster! And that I can remember it when I get off the phone with Karen!!

Counting the days of summer vacation