Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today is the day!!

Marley had to help paint!!
Is this what you call finger painting?


This is getting fixed today! Yea no more carpet


Well let's just say that remembering the reason for Easter (it's all about Jesus and his death for us) that is what is the most important! And for that reason alone I had a great Easter! As you can see, I do enjoy dying eggs also. It's a fun tradition we have in our family. We always try and invite someone over to dye eggs, this year it was Kirsten and Jullian!

Megan "it's not quite how I planned it!"


Jullian was there really a chick in there?

A true tech. at heart!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Offical

Megan passed her hunter's safety class!!

This year she can get her fishing, deer and elk tags for free since she took the class.

Learning how to look for geese

Walking safely with the gun in a group.

Getting ready to go under a log safely with a gun.

She looks scared to me, but she assures me she isn't

Friday, March 21, 2008

Getting there!



Well I'm about 3/4 done with my rail painting. From the picture it looks like I'm finished, but what you can't see in the picture is the railing in the dining room. I haven't started that, I have to wait for Gordon to saw the rails off, so that we can fix the flooring and then put the rails back on. But I do have the majority of it done, and it seems like all I've been doing is painting. While Gordon and Megan went to Hunter Safety, and Katie to work, I painted!! Surprisingly enough there are no kitty prints in the paint! I have to finish painting by next weekend, because Marty is coming to finish the floor and rail!! Yea!!

Hunter girl

Gordon and Megan have been doing some bonding this week. Every night from 6-9 Megan and her dad have been taking hunter safety classes. It was a push to have Megan get all the reading done, as it was a busy week at school too, but she did it! Tonight Megan is taking her written test and tomorrow morning she has to take her field test. Now she may not choose to hunt, but she wanted to take the class, and I think it was a good idea. She and her dad are going to go target practice with one of Gordon's co-workers .22. She's pretty excited about that. You go Megan!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Gordon and I invited some friends over for a last minute dinner and hot tubbing. As you can see by the pictures that we abandoned the hot tub, and watched a movie together.

Marley is sure Brynne should share her popsicle!

We watched "The Game Plan" it was a cute movie for all ages.

Getting Help

Well I managed to get the first step (ha ha) done in doing the stair rails. Yep! with a little help from the cats (Mo is teaching Marley that helping is great fun!) I got the rails sanded. But the best part of all was Jason (my girlfriends husband) came over with some tools Gordon needed to fix the floor, and in two minutes fixed it for us! Gordon was very pleasantly surprised.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


OK so what I want you to notice in this picture is not the 3 lovely girls sitting around the table, its the brown door trim around the front door and the spindles on the stair railings. Instead of playing Super Mario Bros. 3 I will be sanding and painting the stair rails and the trim around the door. It's time to do some more updating in the house. I want to get lots more of the trim painted by the end of the summer. The rails I have to have done it 2 weeks, we have someone coming to fix the dining room floor.


OK so for Christmas purchased a wii for our family. Well I'm here to tell you it has been a good investment for our family. We've had friends and family over to play on it. Well recently (Friday night) my husband found an old favorite from our first game station to upload onto the wii. Gordon and Katie spent time yesterday re living old memories of playing Super Mario Bros. 3. I was quite impressed with all they remembered about the game. All the hidden tricks that came right back to them as if it were yesterday. Megan has very little recollection of the game that's how long its been. As we were reminiscing I was saying how good they still were at the game, Katie made the comment that Grandpa Gordon was really the old pro at this game, and how excited he would be that we had the game. As soon as she said that I instantly remembered the countless hours that grandpa spent playing the game while we were at work. It seemed funny to me at the time that a senior citizen was better at the game than our teenage son! I must say that I am not nearly as good at the game as I used to be. It took me all 4 guys to even make it past the first level. I guess I'll need to practice!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's like I say....

I get by with a little help from my friends!!
Sometimes more help than other times!!
Thanks to Karen for helping me get my pictures the way I
want them! And Ha! I got a picture of you! It was no easy task
can you guess where its from??

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's Megan's fault!

OK, so one night we were having a family night watching TV, and Megan had recorded American Idol and begged her dad and I to watch it. We did and now we're hooked! We've had fun watching it as a family every week now. We even have our own favorites! Mine is not Elvira as I call her, or Fem boy!! Yea! one that I didn't like down one to go!

Mo loves doing chores!

Mo likes doing chores, any chores!

I might need a stool to reach the top!

You missed a spot let me show you...


Mopping the floor... by far my favorite!


Oreo, you need to get off the bed in order to make it,
maybe if I sit by her, she'll move

It's always nice to rest on a freshly made bed!

Why she even likes to make sure your towel is
warm when you get out of the shower

AAH!Finally all the house work is done! Time
to give my paws a rest.

This is how it's done!

Look you just sit here and like magic water comes out

Ok now let me try!

BEAT IT!! I was here first!

Ha! I bet you didn't know you could get a drink from this one!!

WOW!!! how long has it been??

No not long enough that we've had another child! But almost. This is Jullian, Tayler's girlfriend's son. He's 4 and as you can tell he's quite the helper. He and Gordon are putting together my new laundry hamper. The laundry hamper is from Costco, and it is awsome!!

Counting the days of summer vacation