Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring Fever!!

Megan insisted they growl!

We had spring fever here and the weather is sunny and beautiful! We spent some time having fun at the park and enjoying the spring!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I forgot how much fun 4 could be!!

This weekend Gordon and I are watching Julian (Tayler's girlfriends son). I forgot just how much fun having a 4 year old around could be! Now you may think that's strange seeing as how I work with 4 year olds almost everyday. But its different having one in your home 24/7. He says the funniest things. We were driving in the car this morning and Julian pipes up from the back seat, "am I driving you nuts?" We lost it! Amazing the things you laugh at when they're not your not your kids. He's being great and we're enjoying having him here!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No April foolin'

On Tuesday one of my preschool moms gave Cindy and I a coupon that she said would be good for $100. worth of free merchandise from Ashley Furniture. She assured me it was no gimmick,but for real. Kathy my friend and I went last night to Ashley and decided to check it out for ourselves. Sure enough it was for real!! I found a set of 4 lamps for $119. The 4 lamps ended up costing me only $19.!! They're great and I love them! Thanks to Kaleb's mom!!

This is one of the lamps. There are 2 this size one a little smaller than this one and a floor lamp.

Nice huh?

My sister once showed me how to make a bed look inviting and I've been making my bed this way ever since. It really does make it look and feel inviting. Thanks Rachel!!

For the record!

Oreo (our not so obnoxious cat) wants it known to all that she too likes to do chores. Her favorite is really making the bed, it always has been. She tolerates the kittens but it wouldn't hurt her feelings if they weren't so energetic!

Counting the days of summer vacation