Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let it snow!!!

I love the snow! I don't care when it comes. So this weekend when we got 12" in October, I'm just fine with it. It looks so pretty, and I love to cook, and snow puts me in the mood to cook.Our back deck on Sunday October 12th,2008
Tayler and Megan went out and built a snow fort!
I think it's so cute that my 21 year old went out and helped his little sister build a fort! They even have chairs in there. They built it while Gordon and I were gone.


Mom to the 6th said...

Oh my goodness! Your blog is reborn! LOL! That is cute that the two of them could have some bonding time together like that.

Unknown said...

That is awesome! See, big brothers can be useful...

Unknown said...

That is awesome! See, big brothers can be useful...

Cynthia said...

FUN! We built a snow fort as well... This wet snow keeps making me think it's spring and not winter though....

Counting the days of summer vacation