Saturday, December 15, 2007

Busy with preschool

The preschool has kept me quite busy lately so there has been no time to blog. I know it's a lame excuse but it is true. I have to get parent gifts ready for 41 children and get kid gifts for 41 kids, not to mention lesson plans ready for January. Did I fail to mention that I had to get ready for our annual gingerbread house day at preschool!! We had to assemble 50+ gingerbread houses and get them ready to decorate this past week. It is always one of my favorite days at preschool. I love to see what the kids create and eat!! All that said I have to still get shopping and daily life ready for my family. So for those of you that actually haven't given up on my not so interesting blog, my goal is to get much better at this for the New Year! I hope to get a camera that will also make blogging more personal. I will be able to include more photos.
Our once sick cat Mo Mo is sick no longer (I'm so glad) but now she and her sister Marley think it would be fun for me to redecorate our family room daily so they take the decorations off the tree, not all of them, and take down the garland on the ledge down there. As if I don't have enough to do!! I know Karen you think I'm crazy, but I still don't mind cuz I love them! I have to try and get a picture of Marley in the tree because I find it amazing that it doesn't all end up on the floor!! She actually sits at the top!!

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Counting the days of summer vacation