Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa can't wait!!

Early Christmas gift
With the help of my co -worker Cindy our family has a new way to spend time together. We (Gordon & I) decided on friday that we would buy a Wii that Cindy's husband Jay found while shopping at Target. (I guess the Wii is hard to come by) We were going to save it for a family present from Santa. Well my husband was so excited to play it that he couldn't wait. So friday night he spilled the beans and we hooked it up!! I must say it is a lot of fun, and I'm not much of a game person. I'd rather be cleaning, cooking, or reading. But last night I succame and tried it. It really was fun. Video games have come a long way since I was a kid! The controller shakes in your hand when you hit something, or get a nibble on your fishing line. I better be careful how much I play I could get hooked!! Espically since I have almost two weeks off for the Christmas vacation. So does Gordon!! If all goes as I have planned haha I will get a camera for Christmas and be able to take some pictures!! Obviously my husband does not want to spill the beans on my present, and let me have it. I'm glad I want to wait.


Unknown said...

Love the new look! And I am sooooooo jealous about the Wii. I'll be over soon so you can introduce me to the world of fun. (I haven't told my kids yet, otherwise they'd be begging to go visit Katie/ Megan/ Rosie/ Marley....)

Merry Christmas guys. We love you!

Cynthia said...

FUN FUN! We got the kids an X-box 360 and I even sat to play with them awhile. It was FUN! I think I could get addicted, too, if I'm not careful.

Counting the days of summer vacation