Sunday, June 15, 2008

Basket full of fun

Today I decided that it was time to finally plant some flowers in my hanging baskets. It is mid June! So I begged Megan to help me. She came and brought some help too, Marley! This was a first for her, planting that is turns out she loves it!!
Hmm! What's this?
Aah fresh dirt!
I can help myself to more
Yea! I think the flowers will fit in here!
Good place for a nap too!

Now I'll have to go find someplace else to nap!

As you can see she was a lot of help, NOT!!By the time I was done planting the flowers, she had eaten some and played with all the big red begonia flowers and knocked them all off. It reminds me of planting flowers with a two year old. It tried my patience a bit, but she's so darn cute most of the time that I couldn't stay mad at her very long. I'll just have to use a lot of Miracle Grow, and hope the flowers pull out of it!

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