Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Junior High!!

So just what does a 6th grader think about her last day at grade school? Well I loaned Megan my camera memory card, and these were some of the pictures that she had taken on her last day.

A random group of friends

Her good friend Brooke

OK, those are NOT real cell phones

Girls being silly

Hopefully a random boy, but I doubt it!!

Even her silly sister!

It's hard to believe that my baby will be in Junior High next year. With that seems to come an attitude and the interest in boys! Maybe I can keep her mind busy thinking about other things! OK so I know I'm dreaming, but hopefully I have the summer to dream. And to think of Katie as being a Junior in High School!! Wow! Where does the time go? Too fast thats for sure!

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Counting the days of summer vacation