Monday, June 16, 2008

A boyfriend, a job, and now...

A CAR!!!a 1997 Ford Taurus
Katie said to say under this picture:
"Mom your dumb coming here to take my picture"
I drove to Mc Donald's to take her picture getting into her new car for the first time!

She saved for most of it herself

Oh Dad!

Camping in the great outdoors??

Nope, not yet, it's just our backyard!
This spring Megan once again begged her dad to start camping this summer. We had no camping equipment. There are a few essentials that one needs in order to camp, or so I'm told. One of them is a tent, so to Costco we went in search of a tent. As you can see we found one. It just barely fits in our backyard! For Gordon's birthday we got him a lantern. Now I'm told we'll need to get a camp stove, and then the basic essentials should be met, and off camping they can go! I'm sure I'll go a time or two also. The last time I went camping I was 9 months pregnant with Megan. No wonder she likes to camp, and I don't. It was a warm memorable experience for her, wish I could say the same. I'll be glad to go and just be with the family in the great outdoors!setting up the tent for the first time

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bird Identification!

Bird watchingWhat's this?
Maybe if I make some noise they'll come
aah! I think I'll pick a fight with my sister Mo


Out with the old......and in with the new!
it has a rotisserie, and searing burner
It even came with a cover!
It became obvious that we were not going to win a grill, and with as much grilling as we like to do, we needed to invest in a new grill. We looked at grills for weeks. We found this one at Costco, and for the price we could afford, it had all the options we wanted. Price is debatable Gordon said he'd be fine with another $100. grill from Wal-Mart! I'm hoping this one last long enough to prove my point that if we buy a little nicer one it will last a lot longer. Sure does work well, it even lights without using matches!

Basket full of fun

Today I decided that it was time to finally plant some flowers in my hanging baskets. It is mid June! So I begged Megan to help me. She came and brought some help too, Marley! This was a first for her, planting that is turns out she loves it!!
Hmm! What's this?
Aah fresh dirt!
I can help myself to more
Yea! I think the flowers will fit in here!
Good place for a nap too!

Now I'll have to go find someplace else to nap!

As you can see she was a lot of help, NOT!!By the time I was done planting the flowers, she had eaten some and played with all the big red begonia flowers and knocked them all off. It reminds me of planting flowers with a two year old. It tried my patience a bit, but she's so darn cute most of the time that I couldn't stay mad at her very long. I'll just have to use a lot of Miracle Grow, and hope the flowers pull out of it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


OK my fish tank is having some not so nice problems and I really don't think the kittens are to blame, this time! The water is very cloudy. I have researched it on the Internet, and they said it could be one of 2 problems. Over feeding, or not enough oxygen in the tank. So off I went to Wal Mart. I bought new carbon filters, and another air valve to put more oxygen into the tank. This morning, no better, so I will wait, and hope that the fish will be unaffected. It could possibly be an ammonia problem too, so I am doing some frequent water changes. Now I remember why I got rid of our last fish tank. When all goes well it's great, but when its not well...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Junior High!!

So just what does a 6th grader think about her last day at grade school? Well I loaned Megan my camera memory card, and these were some of the pictures that she had taken on her last day.

A random group of friends

Her good friend Brooke

OK, those are NOT real cell phones

Girls being silly

Hopefully a random boy, but I doubt it!!

Even her silly sister!

It's hard to believe that my baby will be in Junior High next year. With that seems to come an attitude and the interest in boys! Maybe I can keep her mind busy thinking about other things! OK so I know I'm dreaming, but hopefully I have the summer to dream. And to think of Katie as being a Junior in High School!! Wow! Where does the time go? Too fast thats for sure!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Time to retire!

Well it is finally time to retire our old BBQ grill don't you agree?

We have entered our grill in the Q2 grimiest grill contest! Be sure to go to their website and vote!! Our grill is named Hodge podge. If you don't vote for mine, that's fine then vote for my friend Karen's. Hers is named Barbecued Bluebird?! If either of us wins it will be great as we like to share meals together!

Voting Period
Sun, Jun 08 2008 12:01 AM -Thu, Jun 12 2008 12:59 PM

Counting the days of summer vacation